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449 Degrees in Radians

Welcome to 449 degrees in radians, our post explaining the conversion of this angle from the unit degree to the unit circle frequently used in trigonometric functions.

Skip intro and head directly to the result.

449 degrees are sometimes abbreviated as 449 deg, and using the degree symbol written as 449°. The result in radian can be abbreviated with the unit symbol rad.

So, if you want to calculate 449 deg in rad or 449° to radians, then you are right here, too, because these are two common short forms for the unit transformation under consideration.

In this article you can find everything about it, including the formula and a calculator you don’t want to miss.

Our app can change both, degrees to radians as well as radians to degree, and our tool even accepts “π”, “Π”, “pi”, “Pi” and “PI” as input. Give it a go, now!

Result and Calculator

You may change the argument in the first field, 449, our tool then does the calculation automatically, without the need to push the blue button.

Fill in the lower field if you like to change an angle in radians such as 449 rad to °.

In the next section of this post we explain the conversion factor π/180°.

Convert 449 Degrees to Radians

Divide the angle in degrees by 180°, then multiply the term by π using this

Formula: rad = ([449°] / 180°) × π.

Thus, the converted angle in radians (rounded to ten decimal places) is:

449° = (2+89/180)×π rad = 449π/180 rad ≈ 7.8365283415 rad

If you need the outcome with higher accuracy, then make use of our calculator above, or employ a calculator of your own and our formula.

Here’s all about negative 449 degrees in radians, including the formula and a converter.

Below we continue with more information about the conversion of 449 degree.

449 Deg in Rad

Note that four hundred and forty-nine degrees, 449 degrees of arc, 449 arc degrees, as well as 449 arcdegrees are full spelling variants for 449 °.

Similar conversions in this category include, for example:
If you want to know more about the units of angle mentioned in this page about 449 deg to rad, then read the articles located in the header menu of this site.

Bookmark us now, and then make sure to check out our search form in the menu and sidebar: it’s a very efficient way to locate frequently searched angle equivalents.The FAQs are next.

Frequently Asked Questions

In in connection with this post, here are the FAQs. Do you know the correct answer?

How do you convert 449 degrees to radians?

Divide the degrees by 180°, then multiply the term by π: 449°/180° × π = 449π/180 rad.

What is 449 degrees in radians in terms of pi?

449° in radians = 449°/180° × pi = 449/180 times pi.

How many radians is 449 degrees?

As one full circle of 360 degrees equals 2pi, 449 degrees = 449/360 × 2pi = 449/180 pi rad.

How many π’s is 449 degrees?

449° = 449/180 π.

What is 449 degrees in radians?

449° = 7.8365283415 rad.

What quadrant is 449 degrees?

Because each quadrant has 90 degrees we divide the coterminal angle of 449° by 90°: 89°/90° = 0.9888888889, then round this term up to nearest whole number between 0 and 4: 1. Thus, 449° rad lies in the first quadrant between 0° and 90°.

What’s smaller 449 radian or 449 degrees?

A circle has a little more than 6 radians, yet 360 degrees. Thus, 449 degrees is much smaller than 449 radians.

How do I convert 449 degrees to radians in fraction form?

Rad = 449°/180° × π
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Next is our chart with angles close to 449° and their equivalent in rad.


The following table contains some angles in the context:
437°-1001π/180 = -17.4707458125 rad
438°73π/30 = 7.6445421237 rad
439°439π/180 = 7.6619954163 rad
440°22π/9 = 7.6794487088 rad
441°49π/20 = 7.6969020013 rad
442°221π/90 = 7.7143552938 rad
443°443π/180 = 7.7318085863 rad
444°37π/15 = 7.7492618789 rad
445°89π/36 = 7.7667151714 rad
446°223π/90 = 7.7841684639 rad
447°149π/60 = 7.8016217564 rad
448°112π/45 = 7.8190750489 rad
449°449π/180 = 7.8365283415 rad
450°5π/2 = 7.853981634 rad
451°451π/180 = 7.8714349265 rad
452°113π/45 = 7.888888219 rad
453°151π/60 = 7.9063415115 rad
454°227π/90 = 7.9237948041 rad
455°91π/36 = 7.9412480966 rad
456°38π/15 = 7.9587013891 rad
457°457π/180 = 7.9761546816 rad
458°229π/90 = 7.9936079741 rad
459°51π/20 = 8.0110612667 rad
460°23π/9 = 8.0285145592 rad
461°461π/180 = 8.0459678517 rad
In the final part of this article you can find the summary about four hundred and forty-nine degrees radians as well as some additional information.


You have reached the concluding section of our information about 449 deg in rad.

449 degrees = 7.8365283415 rad

Using our converter, formula, chart and information, you have everything to convert degrees to radians at your disposal.

If you have found our post searching for four hundred and forty-nine degrees to radians in terms of pi, or a similar term such as angle to radians, then you have gotten your answer as well: 449° ⇔ 7.8365283415 rad.

The radian measure is the standard unit of measure in the areas of math involving a circle like the sine function and cosine function, just to name a few.

Likewise in science, mathematical computations involving the angle of circle of some sort are hardly ever calculated in degrees.

Conversely, in plane geometry an angle in a circle or in a triangle is more likely to expressed in °.

Additional information

Last, but not least, here are some supplementary information related to the degree measurement and conversion:

The positive movement of an angle in a circle is a counterclockwise revolution, and the angular measure is indicated in either of these units: deg, rad or grad.

The angle in degrees indicates how far you have tilted your head, whereas the angle in radians tells you how far you have traveled on the arc.

Calculations in radians are said to be easier, though. At least once you got the hang of it.

Typical usage for angles in radians include the sine function and cosine function, whereas the angle in a triangle is usually denoted in degree.

More information about radians & degrees, the entire circle including the radius, the circumference as well as the the definition of radian as ratio can be found in our article degrees to radians.

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– Article written by Mark, last updated on April 13th, 2021